Richard Branson’s letter to his grandchildren after Virgin Galactic’s SpaceshipTwo made it to space for the first time, is both inspirational and touching. To the true explorers among you we challenge you to watch the video without feeling an absolute sense of peace, euphoria and a tickle in your eyes. 

Dear Children of Planet Earth, “Your lives will be transformed by space and it will give your generation a planetary perspective on which the future of humanity rests. That we’re all in this together. Fellow travellers on Spaceship Earth.” Richard Branson 🇬🇧🚀

Thank you Richard-Branson #exploration #spaceshipearth #earth #kids #gozo #inspiration #astronomyandbeyond #thinkbeyond #SpaceLab #VirginGalactic #Space #Astronauts #Stars #Planets #EvolutionofFlight